Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Planning Maths Cafe

I have had a few queries about how I track students and their participation in the Dish of the Day during a cycle of learning.
This is the format I use to see who has ordered which Dish of the day, the days that I have taught each one and some ongoing formative assessments about how the children have performed during the lesson.

The children are named down the left hand side (not their real names here, I hasten to add!), and those working below (orange) or well below (red) are highlighted so I am always aware of the target students school-wide.  Yellow indicates that they have ordered a Dish of the Day, and they get / if they attended but really didn't understand it, 2 sides of a triangle if they are on the way, and a full triangle if they have cracked it.  @ indicates an absence from a teaching time.  More than one assessment might reflect more than one teaching time, or it might be an assessment of doggy bag work to see how the ideas have stuck.

I hope this is helpful - as always, please email me or leave a comment if there's something I can do to clarify what's going on.


  1. I've just discovered your blog and I love love love your cafe math idea. Is there a way to follow your blog so I can keep up with your posts?

  2. Hi Room 3,
    I have just added some follow options to the top of the page here, so you can subscribe to the feed or follow it by email updates.
    I'm glad you like the maths café idea - I've certainly seen it have a hugely positive impact on the students in my class.
