Thursday, February 23, 2017

Race to the algorithm

This might be a little bit of a rant, but I'm going to try to keep it calm.
My bugbear is division algorithms.  It's not that I can't do them - I'm very good at them - but I'm constantly frustrated by the fixation people have with teaching them to students waaaaaay before they're ready for them.

I know that sometimes it is in response to parents showing up on the classroom doorstep wanting to know when or how you're going to teach them (or why you're not doing so at the moment), and sometimes it is because we think it's going to show our colleagues how clever our class is and what a great maths teacher we are.

But division algorithms really must wait until students have a good grounding in multiplicative number sense, and plenty of experience of sharing and dividing objects, amounts and numbers in concrete ways.  Otherwise our students will leave our classrooms carrying a maths mental block and the feeling that they are no good at it because they can't do "guzinters" properly.

Leave the algorithms until your students are securely at stage 6, ladies and gentlemen, please.  If you try to teach them before the students are ready the best you can hope for is a child who can perform the algorithm but does not understand what they're doing or why.  The more common occurrence is a child who is completely baffled and feels that they're somehow at fault for not being able to do it.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Grown up maths

The children in my classes (and sometimes the parents too) have often commented that they don't know why they need maths because "you don't use it when you grow up."

I don't know how to counter that, because to me it's so blindingly obvious how we all use maths.  I normally manage to blather something about working out budgets for shopping or saving for a holiday, about measuring garden fences or cooking ingredients, about laying tiles in hypothetical bathrooms.  And all of these things are true, but these are just the tip of the iceberg.

I've just spent an entire evening using maths.  And maths that's more complex than just adding money values or reading a measuring tape.  This is because I've been assessing reading all day.

Those of you who are familiar with running records will understand that seemingly tenuous connection - I've been working out percentages - often from some rather odd numbers.  I must also add that I've been using a calculator to help me, just for the speed.... but I do still need to know what order to put the numbers in and what operations to use.  I also created graphs to show the progress children had made - again on a computer programme, but I still had to know what terms like axis, horizontal, vertical and scale mean, and how to input the data in order to achieve the desired result.

I used my concepts of time to put together a timetable fitting in a range of tests (all of different durations) around a complex variety of swimming lessons (30 minutes), soccer training (1hour 10 minutes) and cycle safety training (45 minutes), a basic facts test (6 minutes 30 seconds), assembly (20 minute) and a whole raft of other events.

And I also used scale to make a rice pudding..... because my ravenous teenage boys have such enormous appetites the standard recipe is just not enough, so I double all the measurements - or maybe even, like today, multiply them all by 2.5!

The third thing I did using maths was to make the name labels for some books and folders.  This was an exercise in geometry, as I tried to find the most efficient way to arrange the labels on the page without making them too close to cut out easily or so far apart that there's a lot of wasted paper.  I needed my estimation skills, and also an idea about tessellation, rotation, translation (but no reflections as I don't want the words the wrong way round!

So next time one of the children in my class asks me what the point of maths is, I might just direct them to this blog post for a start!  I'm certainly going to make sure that there are a huge range of authentic contexts for maths in my classroom this year.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Back to basics

So I've met my class for this year, and it has reinforced that I really will have to take two steps back in order to move forwards again.
I know that basic facts are not the be-all and end-all of maths, but by the time children are at the top end of primary school they should have a reasonable degree of automaticity with their basic facts. This is so the cognitive load is reduced during problem solving, allowing them to pay more attention to the strategies that would be helpful to them.

Automaticity is something we will be working on this term, and this is how I plan on doing it:

  • Monday - 50 basic facts get sent home for homework.
  • Tuesday - 50 more basic facts get sent home for homework.
  • Wednesday - the answers to the 100 basic facts get sent home so that the children can check their homework.
  • Thursday - the same 100 facts are given in class as a timed test.  Children swap papers and take it in turns to read out the answers, marking correct answers and incorrect attempts.

Some of these things seem counter-intuitive.  I have been asked why I send home the answers before the test ("isn't that cheating if they know the answers in advance?") but there is a good reason for doing this.

On Thursday, I want children to score the best possible score on the test.  They've had a chance to practise the facts on Monday and Tuesday, but they don't actually know if they got them right or not - and experience has shown me that some will spend a long time learning a 'fact' that is actually incorrect.  Sending the answers home allows them to check that they do know the right answer to the basic facts problem.
And when they check the answers, they're seeing the whole equation written out again, so they're sub-consciously doing the problem once again while they're looking for confirmation that they got it right.  If they find a mistake then they're more likely to remember the correct answer one they've been shown it, because it scratches the itch of cognitive dissonance that is generated when they see the right equation and an incorrect equation side by side.

And on Thursday when we swap papers and take it in turns to call out the answers and mark them, they're having to read the whole equation again, and they're using their memory of the fact to see if the person reading it out is right or wrong.

So over the week they experience each basic fact a number of times (pardon the pun!) and in a variety of ways. And that repeated exposure and the multiple modes of accessing it (seeing it, completing it, hearing, reading it aloud) all help to develop that automaticity that is so important.

Watch this space for updates in how they do with Maths Cafe, which is being introduced next week.....

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Go slowly now, to go quickly later.

I've spent quite a lot of my "holiday" doing professional reading, and watching all those training videos that you just don't get time to do during the term (and those webinars that are held in USA timezones so you're usually in front of your class when they take place and they don't post replays!).  This is possibly why I always use the term "non-contact time" rather than 'holiday' once Christmas and New Year are done and dusted.

I've been lucky enough to come across a great website, run by Christina Tondevold, called Mathematically Minded  and she has put out 4 FREE training videos that are available until February 1st.  I've watched them all, and followed up the FREE downloads as well, and they are great! (link will be at the bottom of this post)

Now, these videos are aimed at students who are pre-school, NE, Y1 and Y2.... an area of the school that I really don't spend much time in.  So why did I dedicate around 4 hours of my non-contact time to it, I hear you ask.

The answer is simple.  These videos deal with number sense, which as Christina says many times is "not taught, but caught", and which seems to have been not caught by a great many students that I see coming through into Y5 and Y6.  You know the ones.

  • They may be able to solve an algorithm, but not if the number is bigger than 100.  
  • They may be able to recite a times table, but have no idea how to use that information in their work. 
  • They are the ones who hate maths, who may act out during a lesson to get out of doing any work, and whose first and last strategy is to count on their fingers - even when they're subtracting 52 from 76.
  • They may have been through intervention programmes such as ALiM on more than one occasion.

At least one of these students has featured in every single class I've ever taught, and I'm sure it's no different for you.  And I'm not early years trained, so my initial training as a teacher of mathematics was aimed at 7 - 12 year olds and was based on the assumption that they would already have this slightly elusive thing known as number sense.

So I watched these videos and mind-mapped the things that I felt I might need reminding of during this term.
Early number concepts

Basic number relationships

Implementation tips

  And there are three big things I must remember when I step back into the classroom next week:

  1. Number sense is built through experiences, caught not taught - so giving plenty of experiences to those students who need to build their number sense is more important at the beginning than lots of teacher workshops.
  2. Go slowly at first in order to go quickly later - take the necessary time for the students to have their lightbulb moment.  If you rush through those experiences at the beginning, then you still will have achieved nothing because everybody develops number sense at their own pace as they process their own experiences.  If you enforce your pace, then your students still may not have developed their number sense.  Remember you teach students not a curriculum.
  3. You can guide students' experiences to lead them towards the understandings that you want them to have, but you cannot force those understandings upon them.

There are lots of tips, activities and helpful hints in these videos. I hope you can find time to enjoy them before they are taken down next week - they're well worth the investment of your time.

And I think I may be changing my laptop screensaver to a bold, vivid reminder:

Here's the link to the videos:

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

1 step forward, 2 steps back...

This is not nearly as negative as it sounds!  Really it's more of a reminder to me as the start of the school year looms.  I have to remember that my class this year will not be in the same headspace as the class that I just farewelled a scant 4 weeks ago.

I know that sounds like stating the obvious, but having spent some time in a school with a mixed age class that spanned 4 year groups it had become normal for me to pick up largely where I left off every January.  Changing jobs last year was different, because the whole situation was new to me, but this year I must keep reminding myself that these new children in my class are not only new to me, but new to the whole idea of self-direction.

I have kept a small number from last year and hope that they'll be the role models and leaders that the other need to have in front of them, but realistically I'm starting back at the beginning of the Maths Cafe journey once again.  And I have to keep that at the forefront of my awareness so that I don't get frustrated when self-management skills are not what I was used to at the end of last year, or some such hiccup in the smooth running of the Cafe.

This is not a criticism of the children, but just an awareness that it is all too easy for me to slip into habitual ways of thinking or behaving in class and I have to take time to build those foundations again in order to make progress through the year.

Maths Cafe will need modelling to them, slowly, clearly, methodically.  I will need to take some time to teach them the appetisers we use, to create some common understandings, games and activities that will carry us all through the year.  And I will need to remind the "old hands" that they too will need to exercise some patience as their new classmates build routines and confidence - just as they themselves did in February and March 2016.

I'm sure we'll be fine.  I'll let you know!

Monday, January 9, 2017

Term 4 experiment

So in the previous post I announced that I was going to try something new once again with my class.  As you will appreciate, Term 4 gets hectic in a primary school - especially when you have the oldest children in your class and they are moving on to other schools at the end of term.
That's why I didn't post any interim reflections, but have taken my time over this one.  Now, with Christmas and New Year safely behind me, I can sit back in my office and think about Term 4 and the maths we did together.

First of all, the children were totally excited to be able to plan their term's learning, but couldn't think how to make a start.  We talked about just doing the things that were fun, but they really shouted that idea down because, as one of them said, "I'm moving on to [intermediate school] at the end of this term.  I want to be the best me when I get to my new school."  They had really taken on board the differences between learning wants and learning needs.

I provided the tools for them to identify their own personal needs.  They all did the PAT maths paper on the second day back into Term 4, and I used the NZCER marking site to get the results analysed.  It meant an evening of hectic answer inputting by me, but it was worth it.  The next day I gave the students their individual analyses and let them have some time to really take them in and refer back to the question book to see where they had got them right and where they had slipped up.

After that, we went through as a class and collated the question numbers that students felt they needed some work on.  There were clear pockets of need, and the most interesting thing is that the students picked out the same things as I had done when I looked at the class overview.  This was great, because it showed me that they had really thought carefully about where their individual needs were rather than just putting down the number of every question they got wrong.

Once we had identified the areas that they wanted to work on, I asked them to come up with a plan for the order in which they wanted to do them.  One student suggested putting them together in related groups rather than in question number order from the PAT, so we did that together.  Then I got them to prioritise the areas.  Students worked in pairs, and came up with a plan.  Then they linked with another pair and discussed their ideas, coming up with a group plan.  Then we came back together as a class and groups put forward their ideas.  We reached consensus pretty quickly (number operations took precedence over strand work for the students; and measurement and statistics were more important to them than geometry) and soon had a working order sorted out.

After that we allocated time frames to each identified area, again working in discussion groups with students making proposals and justifying their thinking.

This was quite a long process - 2 days of discussion where little "maths teaching" was done - but I feel it was really valuable.  The students had to be aware of their weaknesses (honestly), and used a whole range of logical thinking skills to prioritise and justify their choices.  They also had to use oral language to propose and justify their ideas, they worked collaboratively to come to consensus and they had to be respectful of other students' ideas.

By the end of week 1 we had a term plan worked out that was totally down to the students (with a few helpful "have you thought about....?" prompts from me).  They bought into it completely, they were engaged in the learning and looked forward to seeing how we were progressing through their plan.  We checked it together each Monday and they were free to make amendments as we went along to take into account other things that cropped up (as they inevitably do towards the end of the school year).

All in all, I feel that this was a great example of student agency at work.  The sessions ran really smoothly, and they were all highly invested in the maths programme.  After all, they had chosen what to do rather than having it imposed upon them.  It is worth noting that I don't think it could have happened so smoothly in Term 1, because the students had to get used to making those decisions carefully for themselves, but it was a great way to finish the year for them and I think they will move forward with confidence.

In 2017 I have a largely new class.  Only 5 of my students will have been with me in 2016, but I do at least know all of the others who are moving through to me - more than I did this time last year!  It will be interesting to start the Maths Cafe journey again, and to see the role that the "old hands" take in helping new classmates to adapt.  The students I am gaining have a greater potential to need behaviour management help from their teacher than last year's class.  I can't wait to see how we go with it, but I will keep you posted.